The photos I took of the Bramley IronMum event a few weeks ago have been printed in the Basingstoke Gazette (last Friday) and without permission / credit in the Gazettes website.

The Gazette forgot to send anyone to photograph it for themselves, and asked to use my shots, they didnt want to pay anything which I thought was odd for a commercial operation, but for the Ironmum organisers I allowed them to print it. I didn’t give permission for them to use it on their website, especially without giving at least some credit.
The article and my image can be seen here.
The first wedding of the season organised by Trevor Cruickshanks. The well attended fair had a short wedding dress fashion show organised by Jayne Ann Brides.
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More Basingstoke Wedding Fair dates, locations and details can be seen on the site
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Today was the first Bramley IronMum race.
Around 25 Bramley Mums took part in either the Buns of Steel or the harder Abs of Iron race.

Photos of the event are on
The race took the ladies running around the lanes of Bramley near to Basingstoke on North Hampshire. A 3 or 6 km run, followed by a 6 or 12 km cycleride, finished with a strength sprint.
They are a tough lot over in Bramley!
The old new site is up and running.

Hawkins Photo Blog
The site is now a collaboration between my antipodean sister and I.
A project in similarity and diversity of two very different location separated by over 10,000 miles.
Me !
I have set up a simple site to advertise. If you live in Basingstoke or near, and want some baby or child portraits, drop me a line before the end of July 2009 and you mentioned you saw the site here for a 10% discount on any and all prints. for child and baby portraiture
Kerry who took part in the Jayne Ann’s Wedding Fair last week.
These images were taken at Jayne Ann’s Wedding fair for and Jayne Ann’s Bridal.
This page is so that the girls can download their pictures if they want. If you want better quality versions, then please drop me a line at
Well done to you all, I know for a couple of you it was a first, but you all did wonderfully well, many thanks.